Friday, January 9, 2009

I had a wonderful conversation today. I was at a job site and I began to talk with the tile contractor about the material he was installing. He asked me what I thought of it and I responded to him quickly, with a yes!!! I told him that I loved it. We continued the conversation and as we did, I asked him the name of the material he was installing. The name of it was “Jerusalem Gold” My first thought was the bus ride Jennifer and I took from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It was amazing!! I remember looking at the city and seeing this Jerusalem gold color everywhere. I remember looking at this beautiful city for the first time and feeling so blessed to be there. In the conversation with the installer, I found out that he was a Christian!! We talk for awhile about our love for the Lord. We also talked about the Jewish people. We talked about them being the chosen people of God and how special the Jews are to the Lord. The man I was speaking t, voiced his strong desire to visit the holy land. I told him that if there is any way for him to go there that he should do it ASAP. I love Israel and I pray that I will be able to visit the holy land with my family one day. Jennifer and I are hoping to at least visit the land with Noah (our 10 year old) for his 8th grade graduation… 3 years from now!!!

Trusting Jesus,

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